Local and International Weather Service Agencies

Instrumentation installation, radar networking and meteorological data integration, decision support algorithms, nowcasting, Numerical Weather Prediction, customized displays, modernization studies

our approach

WDSS works with international hydrometeorological agencies to bring the latest state-of-the-science instrumentation, data integration and processing applications, nowcasting applications, numerical and hydrological modeling systems, and display systems to operational forecasters.

 The goal is to provide the front-line forecasters with the advanced tools and training necessary to help them succeed in providing the most accurate forecasts available to their customers and the public.

WDSS has a large base of industry partners and can provide modernization studies and turnkey hydrometeorological systems to meet most any agency needs.

Thailand, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Africa, China, Greece, Bahrain, Turkmenistan, Italy, Indonesia, Argentina, Uruguay, India

Case Studies


Norman, Oklahoma, USA, 73072

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