Mesoscale Analysis & Prediction Support System (MAPSS)

Known for providing better forecasts through enhanced data assimilation, WDSS has installed turnkey Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) mesoscale model systems for clients such as government and aviation agencies globally, with some of our larger systems having been delivered to the Philippines, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.
MAPSS utilizes a PostWRF application to provide WMO GRIB-2 format for easy integration with a wide variety of meteorological display applications. The PostWRF processing runs concurrent with the WRF forecast, allowing products to become available as the model progresses, as opposed to waiting for a forecast run to finalize prior to product generation. MAPSS also produces a user defined number of graphical products in PNG format suitable for viewing in customer webpages. WDSS has also developed a web-based GIS high-resolution WRF display system that can also be delivered with WRF installations or used to upgrade your existing NWP viewing package.
Process management
The WRF Control package is a main MAPSS component, providingend-to-end task management with fault tolerance, resource allocation, job monitoring and logging, and automated e-mail alerting.
User Friendly
MAPSS utilizes a Management Portal that provides users with a range of options to customize WRF domains. Options include creation, modification, and deletion of WRF domains, recurring scheduling of preferred forecasts, and monitoring of WRF runs, and viewing of graphical products generated through an automatic plotting capability.
Highly Expandable and Cost Efficient
The MAPSS system runs on a Linux cluster built from commodity hardware, allowing updates to be delivered incrementally at a lower cost. The hardware can be sized to your particular NWP requirements and expanded to include further hardware as your NWP needs change. WDSS also partners to provide the ability to run WRF in the cloud where possible.
Our Expertise
WDSS has years of NWP experience and partners with data assimilation, and other NWP experts that can develop various WRF systems for most all operational weather forecast requirements.
Norman, Oklahoma, USA, 73072